The GENIE program aims to generalize the use of ICT in public education. The program is currently structured around the following four axes:
- Infrastructure: equipping schools with multimedia environments and connecting them to the Internet;
- Training, which involves training around 300.000 people;
NAFID@ Program
Created to support the implementation of the GENIE program, Nafid@ aims to facilitate access to ICT for members of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Promotion of Social Works and Education-Training (FM6). It achieves this by granting subsidies on Internet subscription costs.
INJAZ Program
Created as part of the “2013 Digital Morocco” plan, the INJAZ program allows students in certain Masters and PhD programs to get a laptop computer/tablet/2-in-1 PC and a subscription for a year of mobile Internet services (3G and 4G).
More than 138,500 eligible students have been granted INJAZ offers.
Campus connected
This program aims to promote and extend access to ICT, in particular intranet resources, for the benefit of the Kingdom's university students, with a view to integrating the use of ICT in teaching and research. It also enables the university community (teachers, researchers, students and administrative staff) to exchange content and access campus services.
This will involve:
- set up the technological infrastructure to guarantee high-speed broadband (Wi-Fi, etc.) in these different areas
- integrating this new infrastructure with that already in place for university establishments and halls of residence that already have a network infrastructure;
- guarantee connectivity for each student to the resources of his or her institution (or others), through subscriptions subscriptions to the networks of telecommunications operators;
- ensure the operation and development of MARWAN version 6.
This new approach aims to ensure that students have access to university resources beyond all university areas. The average annual number of users/students concerned is one million.
“Civil status Office” Project
As part of efforts to modernize public services, increase proximity to citizens and the E-Gov strategy, the Interior Ministry has started to put in place a national project to make the process of providing birth certificates paperless. The Ministry is also working to progressively computerize and modernize the entire civil status and registration office.
Paperless production chain for legislative and regulatory texts
As part of efforts to improve the process of preparing, examining and publicizing legislative and regulatory texts, the Prime Minister’s Office put in place this project to make the production chain for legislative and regulatory texts paperless. It hopes to do this primarily through the introduction of new ICT technologies.
“Mon arrêt”
In order to modernize its services, the Court of Cassation put in place a national plan that would make paperless and decentralize the delivery of judgments for all trial courts. This compares with the current practice whereby these judgments are only delivered in the city of Rabat.
This project called “Mon Arrêt” (My Judgment) aims to:
- Modernize the judicial administration and strengthen its governance;
- Bring the Court of Cassation closer to the citizen and simplify services;
- Protect, in line with the best international practices, judicial data;
- Provide citizens with modern and efficient services.
National Register of Population (RNP)
This project consists in defining an "electronic identity authentication system". It aims to assign to each individual a unique Identity Number (NIU), especially for the targeting and control of the benefits of social programs.
The Telemedicine project aims to enable remote medical consultations, especially with residents of remote communities.
Digital Transformation Roadmap
As part of its strategy to develop digital usage and digitalization at the national level, the CGSUT has adopted the ADD's Digital Transformation Roadmap as a Universal Service project.