License conditions issued to Médi Telecom S.A. for the establishment and the operation of a second public network of GSM standard cellular telephone of in the Kingdom of Morocco (consolidated version in french)
Decree n 2-15-278 of 20 Joumada II, 1436 (April 10th, 2015) awarding “Médi Telecom SA” company a license for the establishment and the operation of a public telecommunications network using the fourth-generation mobile technologies (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
Decree n° 2-14-482 of 11 Chaoual 1435 (August 8th, 2014) amending the specifications of Médi Telecom company annexed to the decree no. 2-99-895 of 19 Rabii 1420 (August 2nd, 1999) (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
Decree n° 2-6-500 of 8 hija 1427 (December 29th 2006) awarding Médi Telecom S.A. with a license for the establishment and operation of public telecommunications networks using 3G technologies (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
Decree n° 2-05-1456 of 22 Rabii I, 1427 (April 21st, 2006) amending the specifications of Médi Telecom company (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
Decree n° 2-05-1535 of 15 rabii I 1427 (April 14th 2006) awarding Medi Telecom with a “new generation” license for the establishment and operation of public telecommunications networks (NGN license) (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
Decree n° 2-05-774 of 6 Joumada II, 1426 (July 13th, 2005) extending the license duration of Médi Telecom company, awarded by decree no. 2-99-895 of 19 Rabii II, 1420 (August 2nd, 1999) (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
Decree n° 2-05-773 of 6 Joumada II, 1426 (July 13th, 2005) amending the specifications of Médi Telecom company annexed to the decree no. 2-99-895 of 19 Rabii II, 1420 (August 2nd, 1999) (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
Decree n° 2-99-895 of 19 Rabii II, 1420 (August 2nd, 1999) awarding the license of the establishment and the operation of the second public network of GSM standard cellular telephone (version published in the Official Bulletin in french)
License conditions for the realization of the universal service missions by Medi Telecom (consolidated version in french)