Promulgation of the law No. 121-12, relating to the post and telecommunications


Law No. 121-12, amending and supplementing the Postal and Telecommunications Law No. 24-96, was published in the Official Bulletin of 18 February 2019.

This new law is articulated around three main axes:

  • The protection of the consumer through, in particular, the information of the users on the general and contractual conditions of the offers and the services of the telecommunications operators, the regular update of the commitments in terms of quality of service, the publication of the coverage maps by telecommunications operators ;

  • The development of high and very high broadband, by updating the definition of the universal service and the concept of digital development of the territory and the supervision of the deployment of infrastructure by both operators and developers in regarding building plots and new buildings ;

  • The strengthening of regulatory levers, such as the sharing of infrastructures and access, national roaming, the adoption of objective, proportionate, transparent and non-discriminatory measures aimed at facilitating the introduction of new services and promoting the adaptation of telecommunications markets to technological developments.