Pursuant to the provisions of the General Guidelines for the development of the telecoms sector in 2013, the National Agency of Telecommunications Regulation has been commissioned to conduct a study to develop a national plan for the deployment of broadband and high speed.
Challenges of broadband
Nowadays, the Internet is no longer a luxury, and has become the preferred means for communication, knowledge acquisition and exchange.
Moreover, broadband is the only possible channel capable of providing speeds that meet the explosion in use today (exchange of photos, audio and video, online publications...), and tomorrow's content.
From the customer perspective, broadband or very high speeds bring a greater flow in internet connections, better quality of service, and the ability to have several home HD televisions and to load instantly music files onto a phone. It provides simultaneity, speed and symmetry.
In terms of planning, the deployment of HD or very high speed including through optical fibre helps develop the economic attractiveness of these areas.
For businesses, the use of these technologies is a factor of competitiveness and productivity gains.
Finally, this technology enables the administration to provide online services to citizens in the best conditions.
On a side note, there is no standard definition for "high speed" and "very high speed". Each country adopts the allowed threshold depending on the local telecommunications infrastructure.
In Morocco, pursuant to the provisions of the General Guidelines for the development of the telecoms sector in 2013, adopted in Feb. 20120, the National Agency of Telecommunications Regulation has been commissioned to conduct a study to develop a national plan for the deployment of broadband and high speed. The allocation of frequencies for the deployment of mobile 4G technologies is one of the important measures expected of this plan.
The plan should be made public upon its approval by the Agency's Board of Directors expected in the first quarter of 2012.