Quarterly reports of telecommunications market in 2011


The price of calls measured by average revenue per minute (ARPM) confirms the downward trend at the end of 2011.

For the mobile segment, ARPM fell from 1.12 MAD (before tax) per min to 0.74 MAD (before tax) per min. For fixed lines, the indicator fell from 1.01 MAD (before tax) per min at the end of 2010 to 0.95 MAD (before tax) per min at the end of 2011.

As for Internet, the annual decrease of the average monthly bill per Internet customer reached 34%. This was 53 MAD (Before Tax) at the end of December 2011 compared to 80 MAD (before tax)/month/customer one year earlier. For 3G Internet, the average bill at the end of the 2011 was 37 MAD (before tax)/month/customer compared to 55 MAD (before tax) one year earlier. The ADSL Internet bill fell from 139 MAD (before tax)/month/customer at the end of 2010 to 116 MAD (before tax) at the end of 2011.

At the end of 2011, the mobile customer base reached more than 36.5 million subscribers compared to 31.9 million at the end of 2010, driving the rate of penetration to 113.57% compared to 101.49% in December 2010. The fixed lines market base experienced a decrease of 4.8% at the end of 2011 and reached 3.56 million subscribers, 2.29 of which have restricted mobility. Furthermore, the penetration rate of fixed lines at the end of 2011 was 11.08%.

The number of Internet subscribers reached more than 3 million with a penetration rate of nearly 10%, posting an annual growth rate of 70.44%.