The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency invites all “.ma” domain name holders, registered before the 1st of March 2015, to verify the data related to their “.ma” domain names on the WHOIS at the following address: www.registre
The Soft Center, a research and development organization in the software industry financed by the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency, launched the 2015 Morocco ScreenDy Cup on Thursday, October 8, 2015, at INPT in Rabat. Chaired by Mr.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency has just issued a new decision on the portability of phone numbers. The 04/1 decision of the 8th of October 2015 modifies and completes the terms and conditions for the implementation of number portability.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency has just issued the ANRT/DG/No. 03/15 decision, establishing the technical and pricing terms for the wholesale bitstream offer on unbundling the local loop and sub-loop of Itissalat al-Maghrib’s (IAM) operator.
ANRT has just set the new terms for accounting for mobile subscribers’ bases (for 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation technologies) of operators of public telecommunications networks (ERPT).
The 20th meeting of the Arab Spectrum Management Group (ASMG), which started on August 22 in Rabat upon the invitation of ANRT, closed its proceedings last Thursday.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency publishes the 11th edition of the annual national survey on information and communication technologies (ICT) for households and individuals for the year 2014.
The Moroccan Agency for International Cooperation (AMCI) and the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) signed an agreement on the preparation and organization of admission selection to the National Postal and Telecommunications Institute’s (INPT) engineering program for civil serva
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) is organizing the first edition of the Africa seminar on “Regulatory Capacity Building” from May 6-8, 2015 at the National Postal and Telecommunications Institute (INPT) in Rabat.
The first quarter of 2015 was marked by the evolution of the main market indicators, notably those related to usage, price and access.