The ANRT's internal unit in charge of the right of access to information has drawn up a report on the right of access to information. This committee has so far processed eight requests received through the platform Chafafiya.
The ANRT organized, in partnership with the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, a workshop on "the mutualization and development of very high broadband infrastructure in Morocco".
The National Administration Platform : is launched. This new platform aims to simplify administrative processes and procedures for citizens and companies.
The Agency organized, on April 06, 2021, the annual meeting on .ma domain names.
The ANRT has published the annual observatory on .ma domain names, including indicators relating to the resilience of these domain names. In 2020, the .ma domain had 93,506 registered domain names, showing a growth rate of 19.4% compared to 2019.
The DGSSI and the ANRT are organizing, from March 29 to April 1, a 4th training session on the DNSSEC protocol, followed on April 2 by a seminar on DNS Abuse. These two workshops will take place in collaboration with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency publishes the observatories of the telecommunications sector at the end of December 2020. During this period, the sector has recorded a positive evolution in the parks of the different segments.
The ANRT published Decision ANRT/DG/N° 14/20, which sets out the terms for reducing interconnection charges in the fixed-line, "new generation" and mobile networks of the three aforementioned operators by 2022.
The 12th meeting of the Management Committee of the Universal Service of Telecommunications (CGSUT) was held on October 26, 2020, under the chairmanship of the Head of Government, Dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, Chairman of the said Committee.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency publishes the telecommunications sector observatories for the year 2019. This year has seen a positive evolution of the Internet and mobile telephony parks.