The National Agency for the Regulation of Telecommunications is organizing, in collaboration with the African Telecommunications Union (UAT), in Rabat on March 6th and 7th, 2019, the 1st Preparatory Meeting of the Africa Region for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly o
The ANRT organizes, in collaboration with the African Telecommunication Union (ATU) in Rabat from 4 to 5 March 2019, a meeting of the African group on the implementation of the results of the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17) held in Buenos Aires in 2017, and the Plenipoten
The ANRT and the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Sultanate of Oman signed, on Friday, March 1st, 2019, a memorandum of understanding for the coordination and exchange of regulatory experiences between the two institutions.
ANRT, INPT and the Moroccan Association of Information and Communication Technologies (AMTIC) organized, on February 28, 2019, the 1st edition of InnovEnsSup'19, at INPT under the theme "Pedagogical innovation in higher education in the digital age".
Law No. 121-12, amending and supplementing the Postal and Telecommunications Law No. 24-96, was published in the Official Bulletin of 18 February 2019.
This new law is articulated around three main axes:
The laureates of the second promotion of the Center of Excellence in Information Technologies (CEIT), set up in partnership between Morocco and India, received on January 28th, 2019 their certificates.
The ANRT obtained, on December 19, 2018, the E-mtiaz prize in the "E-content" category, for its website during a ceremony organized for this purpose in Rabat.
Within the frame of the establishment of the central database of number portability (BDCPN), it was proceeded, on December 20th, 2018 in the headquarters of the ANRT, the signature of the contract of its implementation in the presence of the three global operators (Itissalat Al-Maghrib, Médi Tele
ANRT publishes the results of its annual ICT indicators survey for households and individuals. This survey aims to pick up the level of equipment and use and to monitor the evolution of the market.
The ANRT organizes the 3rd edition of the DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) training at the INPT from 24th to 26th September 2018 in collaboration with ICANN and the General Directorate of Information Systems Security (DGSSI) ).