Press releases

ANRT publishes a decision on number portability

ANRT has published decision n° 09/12 from 21 Muharram 1436 (December 6th 2012), amending and supplementing decision n° 01/11 from 27 Safar 1432 (February 1st 2011) on the terms and conditions of implementing number portability.


INPT’s meeting on Higgs boson

The confirmation of the discovery of the “Higgs boson” particle on July 4th 2012 by the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN) strengthens the validity of the standard model of physics.

Delegation of Niger’s Multisectoral Regulatory Authority at ANRT

Within the framework of its international cooperation, from October 29th to November 2nd 2012, ANRT welcomed three managers from Niger’s Multisectoral Regulatory Authority (ARTP), who came to inquire about ANRT’s experience with the effects of electromagnetic fields.
