
Decision n° 05/07 (24/04/2007) setting rates of interconnection traffic termination on GSM mobile networks of Itissalat Al-Maghrib and Medi Telecom.

Decision n° 04 /07 (09/04/2007) supplementing the ANRT/DG/ decision n° 02/07 of February 23rd 2007 on the request of Medi Telecom concerning the “phony illimité” offer of IAM.

Decision n° 02/07 (23/02/2007) on the request of Medi Telecom concerning the “phony illimité” offer of IAM.

Decision n° 01/07 (29/01/2007) approving the reference interconnection offer for the fixed network of Itissalat Al-Maghrib (IAM) for 2007.

Decision n° 14/06 (18/12/2006) setting the rate of capital return of mobile termination of IAM and Medi Telecom for the year 2007.

Decision n° 13/06 (15/12/2006) setting the rate of capital return for assessing the fixed termination and the local loop costs of IAM for the year 2007.

Decision n° 12/06 (24/11/2006) establishing an operational survey committee for unbundling the local loop of IAM.

Decision n° 06/06 of July 28th 2006 supplementing decision n° 12/04 of December 29th 2004 setting the approval procedure of terminal equipment and radio installations.

Decision n° 10-06 of 11 ramadan 1427 (October 4th 2006) on the terms and conditions of implementation of number portability.

Decision n° 07/06 of July 28th 2006 setting the technical specifications for the approval of terminal equipment and radio installations.