1.Independent wired networks:
A wired independent network is a network using the means of telecommunications. The lines of this network can either be physically installed by the network owner, who thereby has his own infrastructure, or use international leased lines.
An authorization is required for the establishment and the operation of a wired independent network using international leased lines. This network, which has at least one end located abroad, is established by a business enterprise with many legal entities such as companies, their subsidiaries or branches.
Procedure: The procedure is detailed on the link hereunder:
Authorization request for a leased line
2. Independent radio network:
An independent network is defined as a telecommunications network, necessarily and exclusively used for the needs of the person (natural or legal) who establishes it, with no commercial purpose.
Technically, independent networks use their own infrastructures, established by or on behalf of natural or legal persons who wish to use them.
Procedure: The procedure is detailed on the link hereunder:
Technical File for the establishment of an Independent Radio Network