Press releases

Revision of frequency fees

In application of the decisions taken by the Board of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency during the session of December 20, 2017, the fees for the assignment of frequencies for some radio services were reviewed.

The National Plan of Frequencies updated

The new National Plan of Frequencies (PNF) was adopted and published in the Official Bulletin of the Kingdom of Morocco. Developed pursuant to Decree No.

The annual Observatory of “.ma” domain names

ANRT publishes the first annual observatory on “.ma” domain names. This annual observatory completes the quarterly dashboards published by the Agency and draws up the situation of “.ma” domain names by bringing out new indicators.

Growth of mobile and Internet subscriptions

In 2017, subscriptions, particularly in mobile networks, continued their growth. Internet park (fixed and mobile) settled in 22,2 millions at the end of 2017, with 30,1% annual increase and 63,67% penetration rate.

Meeting of ANRT Board of Directors

The Head of Government, Dr Saad Eddine El Otmani, chaired, on Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 the meeting of The Board of Directors of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT).
