INPT kicks off the 2017 CPGE Campaign. It is an information caravan for students in their 2nd year of preparatory classes at Grandes Ecoles (elite French universities) (CPGE), by presenting INPT, its curriculum and courses, job prospects and admission requirements.
Tender opening, on December 22, 2016, of four tenderers for the consultation for the establishment and operation of the centralized database for number portability. Results are expected in the first quarter of 2017.
ANRT issues decision No. 05-16 of the 26th of September 2016 at the end of the sanctions procedure set up by the Agency countering Itissalat Al-Maghrib. This decision was published in the Official Gazette No. 6510 of the 20th of October 2016.
For the past two years, ANRT has opened access to the INTP engineering program to student civil servants in the field of NTIC working in the administrations and public institutions of the targeted African countries. This is part of the collaboration with the African countries.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency publishes the telecommunications dashboards for the second quarter of 2016. The main indicators have undergone several changes during this period.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency, in cooperation with the three mobile operators, assigns an additional prefix (07) for mobile telephony needs. This will enable customers to have new mobile phone numbers starting with 07 and in the form of (07AB xxxxxx).
The first quarter of 2016 was marked by a stabilization of the main indicators of the telecommunications market. Measured by an average revenue per minute (ARPM), mobile communications prices recorded an annual decline of 29%.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) publishes the results of the 12th annual national survey on information and communication technologies (ICT) for households and individuals for the year 2015.
On the 30th and 31st of March 2016, in collaboration with the Telecommunications and Information Technology Development Authority of the League of Arab States, ANRT is hosting the 10th meeting of the Arab Group on telecommunications standardization matters.
On the 28th and 29th of March 2016, ANRT is hosting the Arab Regional Development Forum of the ITU (RDF-ARM 2016) organized by the Arab Regional Bureau of the International Telecommunications Union.